Tag Archives: Age Quote

A woman has the age she deserves. Coco Chanel

The older I grow the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom. H. L. Mencken

Youngsters of the age of two and three are endowed with extraordinary strength. They can lift a dog twice their own weight and dump him into the bathtub. Erma Bombeck

He who has not the spirit of this age, has all the misery of it. Voltaire

Error is acceptable as long as we are young but one must not drag it along into old age. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul. Douglas MacArthur

I don’t need you to remind me of my age. I have a bladder to do that for me. Stephen Fry

Talk is by far the most accessible of pleasures. It costs nothing in money, it is all profit, it completes our education, founds and fosters our friendships, and can be enjoyed at any age and in almost any state of health. Robert Louis Stevenson

Better pass boldly into that other world, in the full glory of some passion, than fade and wither dismally with age. James Joyce

Age merely shows what children we remain. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
