Old age is like a plane flying through a storm.
Old age is like a plane flying through a storm. Once you’re aboard, there’s nothing you can do. Golda Meir
In youth the days are short and the years are long
In youth the days are short and the years are long. In old age the years are short and day’s long. Pope Paul VI
The aging process has you firmly
The aging process has you firmly in its grasp if you never get the urge to throw a snowball. Doug Larson
Age is how we determine
Age is how we determine how valuable you are. Jane Elliot
Middle age is when your age starts
Middle age is when your age starts to show around your middle. Bob Hope
Aging seems to be the only
Aging seems to be the only available way to live a long life. Kitty O’Neill Collins
I think when the full horror of being fifty hits you
I think when the full horror of being fifty hits you, you should stay home and have a good cry. Josh Billings
I think when the full
I think when the full horror of being fifty hits youJosh Billings
To keep the heart unwrinkled
To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent that is to triumph over old age. Amos Bronson Alcott
If you’re old
If you’re old, don’t try to change yourself, change your environment. B. F. Skinner